자가면역질환 전문 비임상시험 서비스 CRO "프리클리나"
최고관리자 2021-05-17

(주)프리클리나는 자가면역질환 및 염증질환의 환자-유래 세포시험과 동물모델 시험에 대한 풍부한 경험과 전문성을 기반으로 신약개발에 특화된 통합 플랫폼을 보유하고 있는 비임상시험 서비스 CRO 입니다.

전세계의 다양한 제약사, 바이오기업 및 연구자들에게 특별한 가치를 전달하는 CRO 로서 고객의 성공적인 신약개발 및 진단/치료기술 개발과정을 함께합니다.

대표전화: 1566-0536 / 010-2556-0536,  이메일:  service@preclina.com


About Us : 주식회사 프리클리나

Pre-clinical CRO Service Leader in the Autoimmune & Inflammation Fields

What Makes You Choose Preclina as a Preferred CRO?

Preclina is a autoimmune specialists’ preclinical CRO providing global standard and outstanding animal models of autoimmune diseases, including arthritis, fibrosis, skin and intestinal immune disorders, and neurological diseases. Our clients will be provided with the fastest track to co-work with top-notch autoimmune experts to ensure their successful development drugs and diagnostic / treatment technologies.

It is practically difficult for a CRO to do many things with the best quality results. Selecting a CRO with the highest level of expertise in a specific field, represented by Preclina, will not only maximize the project's success, but it will also save time and expense, thus significantly increasing the chance of successful drug development.


Preclina Quality

Preclina has a complete range of standard of procedures and protocols that can be adapted to the diverse conditions for distinct test services and all staffs are prepared to be integrated into this holistic system by appropriate education and training.


Preclina Expertise

Preclina is a highly experienced CRO made up of experts who have been involved in the efficacy evaluation and new drug development in the field of autoimmune disorders for more than 20 years.

Preclina also has long experience and in-depth insights into the validation of disease-modifying drug targets for autoimmune disorders across diverse therapeutic areas, which enable us to offer a complementary suite of methods to support our clients establish a robust platform of evidence for novel drug targets.


Preclina Customer-Centered Service

Major part of our business is dedicated to the flagship activity of drug discovery for the pharma and biotech companies. Preclina is such a CRO that companies of any size will want to request when they need a reliable service that delivers highest quality test reports on time and on budget.

※이 블로그의 모든 자료는 프리클리나의 자산이며 회사의 동의없이 복제나 변조 하는 것은 엄격하게 금지되고 있을 뿐 아니라 법적인 책임 및 배상 책임을 지게됩니다.

지금 바로 시험을 의뢰해 보세요!

연락처:  1566-0536           (대표)

연락처:  010-2556-0536  (대표)